April 4, 2008....Andrew Charles was born. ANOTHER of the happiest days of my life.
It has been three years of bliss for us. Not sure if he will ever understand that his arrival came at a time that we would need HIM the most. This is the child (and Max later) that got us through THE most difficult time of our life.
AND he KNEW his Aunt Fort. She talked to him, played with him and LOVED him.

I'M THREE...HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU??? Now let me eat my ice cream!

Having fun with PopPop

Boys...(NICK & Uncle Jeff)...never too old for toys...

Whose birthday is it anyway????

...and Max slept through it all....

SPRING BREAK in Melbourne, FLFor the first time in over ten years, we didn't go to Siesta Key for Spring Break. Decided to spend it with my 80 year old dad in Melbourne, FL. Thought we would have a "relaxing" week. HA. It was seven days of trying to KEEP UP with my 80 year old dad. And we couldn't do it. I just can't DO every night at the VFW. But we did go Sunday night to watch him entertain the masses for Karaoke night. AND introduce us to EVERYONE there. EVERYONE. We made it another night to watch him play darts, then followed him to Applebees (10:30) for MORE karaoke. Three nights was about all we could do. We were in bed (reading or sleeping) every night no later than 10.
Dad was home every night no EARLIER than 11.
Maybe when WE are 80 we'll have the energy that HE has.
Karaoke on Sunday night at the VFW...

Dad with two of his VFW friends (sisters Marie & Phyllis)

Went to one of dad's favorite restaurants (and mine too)in Melbourne-
Meg O'Malleys... This one is for you Johnny Mac....

Bumper to Bumper traffic going south. Doesn't look like the economy is too bad to me...OR that gas is almost $4 a gallon....

The Butterfly Effect....IN ACTIONA couple of months ago I posted about a book that I recieved for Christmas...THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT. When applied to humans, it's about how something YOU do can affect others for a LONG time. What happened to me today not only made an impact on ME (for the rest of my life), but over 300 students (and teachers too)...
When I arrived at work today, I was carrying in a heavy box AND a cup of coffee and trying to unlock the door to the library. Now, mind you, there is a ceiling to floor window NEXT to the door, but I didn't look in...I was concentrating on my keys (and with the help of Linda) finally got the door open, and talking to Linda at the same time, didn't even look up. When I finally did, what I saw was nothing short of SPECTACULAR...for me. BUTTERFLIES. EVERYWHERE. It was incredible. There were probably 100 butterflies hanging from the ceiling of the library, and 200 butterflies on the walls and windows. BEAUTIFUL. There was a tshirt(shown below) on my chair, a basket FULL of butterfly "things" (pencils, notepads etc etc), butterfly placemats (one with a box of Kleenex with butterflies on it), a plant with a butterfly in it, butterfly headband (I promise I will wear it), a butterfly coffee cup (with a donation for my walk!)...OH! AND BUTTERFLY COOKIES for everyone on the staff made by our "RESIDENT" cookie maker, Dawn F....I'm not even sure if I "found" all the butterflies....all coordinated by Angie (one of our Kindergarten teachers who just HAPPENED to be a student at Greenmont when I was there 25 years ago!) and Mel, our pretty amazing secretary!!!!!
WOW. I was just SPEECHLESS. Then the teachers started coming in...ALL wearing the pink tshirt with the quote that I posted on Fort's birthday...with a BUTTERFLY in the middle of it, and IN MEMORY OF FORT at the bottom.
I don't even know how to respond to such an outpouring of LOVE. Most of the people on this staff never even knew Melissa. (although Angie did-she went to Fairmont with her, and Mel COACHED Fort in basketball in Jr. High!). What they DO know is that I can NEVER stop talking about her, and if they stand at my counter in the library and let me talk, I will go on for, well, as long as they will stand there. And they also knew that butterflies remind me that Melissa is still around. So they all came together (EVERY class in the school made butterflies, including the Pre-School classes!!!)
The Butterfly Effect IN ACTION. The impact this will make on the students (not to mention ME) will stay with me forever. Of course I had to change what I was going to do with all the classes this week - it's ALL about BUTTERFLIES this week.
PERFECT for the beginning of spring.
and it's not even my birthday...or ANYTHING. Just because.
I think I found the right place. Or it just found ME.
THANK YOU GREENMONT STAFF for this BEAUTIFUL display of caring! You have no idea how much it means to me...
Mel, Angie & Linda (Mel & Angie were the "culprits" here...and VERY GOOD AT IT!!!)

THE (amazing) staff...all wearing FORT shirts...

the shirt....