Introducing my Nephew,
Andrew "Drew" Charles Fortener!!!
9 lbs, 3 oz.

Here's a little slide show for ya. Its late and Im too tired to write anything! Here's Nick and Drew.

Drew and his favorite Aunt! (ok, his only aunt...)

Uncle Jeff!


Uncle John:

whaaaaa.....oh this is a funny story. Drew got the machine gun hiccups that wouldnt go away and were still going for 10 minutes. Uncle John was holding him and we were joking that somebody should "scare him". Just then, the nurse walked and was telling meredith that they would be doing the circumcision in the morning. The hiccups stopped almost immediately.


Sunday we headed out to the presidents cup hosted by the Dayton Rugby Club and saw some good rugby. We grabbed dinner and then headed to the afterparty.

Every moment with Watts is like this....

Man/Women of the match celebrations behind the bar - (thats about 4 mens and womens teams)

Hanging out with the ruggers out back.

Great time....we were home before 11 though. Long day. Sorry, too tired for anything intersting, just wanted to get those pics up! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Congratulations Aunt Fortie!!
you are going to be the best aunt ever!
PS Baby Drew is the exact same size as my baby Cole was! That means he's just perfect! :)
Congrats!! He is just perfect!
Congrats Fort! So when are you bringin him out to the Cincy pitch??? :-)
I heard he was propping for Netti in the Indy match. *G*
Comment #1 - That top picture of Drew looks dead on Nick after suffering a devastating loss in the first round of the Beer Pong Tournament.
Comment #2 - This blog should be re-named from "fortscancersux" to "fortsblogsux", which it does, ever since you got this new job to detract you from blogging.
Congratulations on your nephew. How exciting! Wishing you and Johnny Mac the best
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