AND THE WINNER OF THE QUILT IS...(drawn by Ruth, breast cancer survivor, neighbor and friend of Pam's)................
TRACY (good friend of Melissa's)
and THANKS to our FANTASTIC DJ Mark!
MM family
Thanks Heather for your contribution to the 3day walk from Solar Tan!!!
Franz Fam
Food (dessert) of course!
Angie selling raffle tickets....
Netti LOVES her FORT shirt!
Cary, Pam, Jen (Security!)
Karyn working the crowd
HAHA Thanks for the pic! And I am so proud you figured out how to post under the each picture! I didn't think it was you at first Pam.
Have you got the E bay items on E bay yet?
Not sure about the ebay stuff - shelly is in Talladega...I'll call her (Tom who?) - Pam
p.s. I'm smarter than I look - huh Netti?
Bother-in-law Tom
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