Fort - "Hey Jen, let's do a marathon when I get better."
Jen - "OK."
And without Fort, Jen kept her promise. With a pink & white rugby ball in hand, Jen ran 26.2 miles...for FORT.
She recruited three friends to join the team - Team 'B POSITIVE'. Three incredible women who didn't even KNOW Fort. Thank you ALL for doing this. This team raised over $500 for the Melissa Fortener McLaughlin Scholarship Fund. (We just found out there are already 10 applications for her scholarship! We will get to read over the applications in a week or so and choose the FIRST recipient! Melissa would be SO PROUD!)
Here is the story of the Donna Marathon - in pictures.
FORT'S RUGGERS 4 JUGS....where it all started. (Tess & Barb enjoying the view).
(this picture is out of order, but I can't change it now...this should go AFTER the race...and it's for YOU Fort!)
Team 'B POSITIVE' in training...(Big Dog(Michelle), Jen (Smitty), Kary (Kary), AWOL (Brenda)
Here's to YOU Fort! (right after we toasted her - she responded...VIVA LA VIDA came on the radio in the bar!!!!!)
training on the beach...
"I should be here around 10 a.m. tomorrow morning - can you have a beer ready for me?"
Pam's high school friend, Mike (and his friend Karen)join in the celebration!
Barb surprised Jen - a little motivation for the day ahead....
Waiting on the shuttle to the STARTING LINE...
If you look closely to the right of the pole (center of the pole) you can see the RUGBY BALL held over Jen's head!
AWOL crosses the finish line...
Big Dog crosses the finish line...
Kary crosses the finish line...
Jen crosses the finish line - RUGBY BALL in hand - ALL 26.2 miles!

AFTER the handoff...a kiss and a VERY emotional HUG...

Team 'B POSITIVE' ALL complete the marathon! YOU ARE AWESOME!
this is for YOU Fort!
The official celebratory beer on the beach (IN the water) AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Celebrating on the beach after the race (Pam, FORT, Jen & Donny (da'Man)
Team 'B POSITIVE'...AFTER the race!
the official Rugby Ball (flown in from New Zealand!)
The OFFICIAL team 'B POSITIVE' shirt (note the missing boob...after much discussion it was decided Fort wouldn't have it any other way - she didn't HAVE 2 boobs - and if I heard it once, I heard it a million times in the last 5 years..."I just have to suck it up and DO IT"...
the official (back) FORT team 'B POSITIVE' shirt -
the OFFICIAL Fort hat...
We love you!
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