You want to read what SHE wrote. Be sure to go to
That is the beginning of her posts - not the beginning of her journey though. She started the blog when she had her first reoccurence and had mouth sores - didn't like talking on the phone - but LOVED to write. You have to go to the END - kind of read backwards. The most recent post is what you will see first. Go to the archives on
fortscancersux1 and go to May 2005 - I think that was her first post. She was in remission for about a year and a half - but continued to post. She shut down that part of the blog, then started a new one - fortscancersux - after she got "the job of her dreams" at the University of Cincinnati. She posted until Christmas Eve 2008.
I KNOW you will enjoy what she wrote - she was funny AND inspiring. She lived EVERY SINGLE day and never gave up.
October was a VERY busy month. Enjoy the pics.
Ready for it to slow down a little.
The Cincinnati Kelts Rugby Football Club
7th Annual "Trying for a Cure" Fundraiser
to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation and the Melissa "Fort" McLaughlin Scholarship Fund
(to Pauly and E'beth - our goals are twofold - ONE - to raise money for research to eradicate this disease and TWO - that no one EVER forget FORT. Your fundraiser does both. Thank you - we LOVE YOU!)
I have to say, I can't believe it's been SEVEN years. Melissa was diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 2003. In October 2003, the Cincinnati Kelts men's rugby club, along with the Kelts women's team, held the first breast cancer fundraiser (and Fort helped!).
It was pretty amazing.
She had some incredible friends. I can't say enough about her rugby friends. Actually, they were more like her & John's extended family. An amazing support group. And they continue to be an incredible support system for John AND for our family. We love them all SO much.
The fundraisers just keep getting better. As hard as it is for me to be in "group" settings, or any kind of celebration, it's easy to be around her friends. They all have stories about her, and I can talk about her as much as I want (or need to!).
Thank you Pauly & Elizabeth for organizing this again. And thanks to all of you who worked and supported this yesterday. I would name all of you, but I'm sure I would forget someone, and I would hate to leave anyone out - but I took lots of pictures last night, so you'll get an idea of what a great group this is.
Fort loved to laugh and have fun, and this was PERFECT for her.
Thank you, again. From the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to NEXT year's fundraiser!
This was the last Kelts Fundraiser FORT attended. She is in the middle with the blue hat on. I have to say, she was not feeling great that day. I think the breathing was starting to get bad about that time. But she STILL had a smile on her face. This was October 2008.
Gay Greg (not really...but the boa helped me remember his name...)
Donny & Pauly
Eva & Kat (Fort's teammates)
Angie(Fort's teammate) & Nick
Pam & Kat (another of Fort's rugby teammates!)
I wore my FORT shirt, Donny wore Cincy-Dayton Women's Rugby shirt and Nick wore his GOONIES shirt. It was one of his and Melissa's FAVORITE movies.
Derrick & Pam
Donny & Derrick. Last time we saw Derrick, he was wearing a dress. He looked so cute...sorry Derrick, we didn't recognize you without your dress!
Pam & Pauly
JMac & Nick (MY boys)
Netti & her mom
Misti & E'beth (Fort's former rugby teammates)
I wanted my picture with this guy because he was wearing a FORT shirt...when I went up to him, he said "I'm your friend on Facebook!" It was Royal. He won the Melissa "Fort" McLaughlin keltic pride award last year! (sorry Royal, my memory is not very good any more!)
Donny & his girls (hehe)
Rugby parents...NEITHER of our daughters were there, but we wouldn't MISS THIS. Dave & Edie, Pam & Donny (Kyra is in California-Fort is in heaven :o)
thanks DAN W. for sharing your shirt! Remember - this fundraiser is all about the boobs.
E'beth working the tickets...THANKS E'beth!
STOP STARING. START's hard not to stare at THIS....(Netti & Angie)
Seagal - waiting for me to draw the ticket for the winner of the Friday's coupons...
And the winner is....Pauly stands on the bar to announce the winners of the raffles. This year he started out with one of my butterfly stories and one of HIS butterfly stories - it was hilarious. Fort would have LOVED it. Nick sold the winning ticket!
Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk - Atlanta, GA.
My good friend Sharon and her daughter Karyn are right about now finishing 60 miles in Atlanta. They did the walk this year, just the two of them. Have been getting texts from Sharon - whenever she CAN - about where they are and how they are doing. In the last text, she said she ran into THREE people who were wearing FORT buttons from LAST year! I love that. Gotta start making buttons for NEXT year's walk.
THANK YOU SHARON & KARYN for taking this on again THIS year!!!! LOVE YOU!
Sharon is a first grade teacher in Kettering. Her windows face a busy street in Kettering (Stroop Rd.) She had her student make pink pumpkins for their windows - she made the ribbons... I LOVE IT!
Making Strides for Breast Cancer - Dayton, OH - October 16, 2010
This is the seventh year we've done this walk. It's always late October. Starts at the Dayton Dragons field (downtown) and goes through the Dayton Metro Parks. BEAUTIFUL. The leaves are changing and the weather is always perfect. Fort loved it, I think mostly because she loved the fall. Another great fundraiser - this one sponsored by the American Cancer Society.
Mere & Crystal
Either Max is singing here or he isn't very happy....
Jen's stuff - bag she used to carry the pink rugby ball in the Marathon in Jacksonville!
Fort's family walking for her...Donny would have been there but has football meetings every Saturday morning.
Barb, Crystal, Pam, Jen
One of the hardest things to do in the last year and a half is to change. ANYTHING. Around the house, I mean. Some days (most days) I just want time to stand still. Everything has to be JUST like it was December 2008. I want things to be like they were when Melissa was HERE. So changing things in and around the house is really difficult. So something we have been talking about doing for probably, oh, 10 years, we finally decided to go ahead. It's like taking a HUGE leap - letting time go on. Which I don't really want to do. BUT. I KNOW Fort would love this. Our house was about 3 or 4 shades of red. It's time. I'm pretty sure she will be able to find our house....I'm not so sure about everyone else. If you are coming by to visit - don't look for the red house - look for the white picket fence. The house will be grey with a colonial blue shutters. I'm sure SOMEONE will drive right by looking for the red house...and it will probably be me.
ewww...UG-LY. No insulation under the old siding...hmmmm. Windows we had put in 10 years ago were framed in with wood either...hmmmm. I guess you have to watch when you have work done on your house...
Few things make me happier than an appearance in Fort's blog!! Thanks for all the pics.
awww.I guarantee you will be in the blog whenever I see you. I LOVE putting pics in of her friends. She would love it.
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