Cincinnati Kelts WOMEN'S team - the biggest supporters of the MEN'S team (men are the women's team's biggest supporters!)A lot of Melissa's teammates are STILL playing! (Netti, Eva, Bea, Ebeth...I know I'm forgetting some - sorry!)
Their shirts spell out KELT'S EAT FLINTSTONES!
Uncle Johnny Mac tries to keep Max in tow...might be easier on the field playing rugby!
the only way to keep Max within eyeshot is to hold him - he's a wanderer...isn't too happy to be on pop pop's shoulders...
this shirt says it all.....
Let the game begin! The women's team each represented a player on the men's team- BEA had J-MAC!
wanna be rugger....
Could Max possibly be a FUTURE KELT???? Fort would LOVE would we!
Nick & Mere were out of town for a couple of days - so we had Drew & Max - Thursday & Friday night until Saturday afternoon. Watched Monsters Inc. (for the,oh, 100th time)and followed Max around constantly. He is always looking for something to get into - and thinks he can WALK down the steps. This is why you have kids when you are in your 20s! We're exhausted - but it was fun.
Takin' a walk with Pamma-just happy to be outside!
Max - ready to play football!
this is ME...according to one of my Kindergartener's! He checked out this book about monkeys and came up to me really excited. "Mrs. Fortener - look - it's YOU!"
I just started laughing and asked him why he would say that... "He's thinking!" I guess I do that a lot (hold my hand on my chin)...WHEW. I was a little worried there for a minute!
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