WELL DESERVED (and Fort would love it!)

just had to add a few pics of Fort with her rugby friends (this is one of my favorites...recognize the green jacket?

Both pictures are on my refrigerator - I LOVE these pictures - she was always so happy with her rugby friends!

Team B Positive will be participating in the Donna Breast Cancer Marathon on Sunday, February 13!
Then preparing for the Susan G. Komen 3 Day Walk in Atlanta (same one Melissa, Shannon, Julie and I did in 2007). With Melissa, our team name was "The SEVEN BOOBS", we are now officially Team B Positive (Pam, Sharon, Julie, Jen, Angie, Annie and Emily...so far). If you are interested in joining us in the walk OR joining us in Atlanta to cheer us on, let me know, it is an INCREDIBLE weekend. Will get you the info. We are tentatively meeting on Sunday Feb 20 to start getting dates on the calendar for fundraisers. Will post dates when we have them!
....and speaking of Susan G. Komen, I have officially submitted my application/video for consideration for the National Spokesperson for the 2011 3 Day Walks. Kind of hard to tell what they are looking for...(a professional public speaker?)...haven't been able to sleep since I submitted it. Why would I be the PERFECT candidate for this position???? My brain hasn't stopped answering that question - there are SO many things I want to share about her and her fight with breast cancer. She NEVER thought it would win. I feel like this is my opportunity to continue her legacy and her battle. I want to see a cure in MY LIFETIME. It's interesting...even after TWO YEARS, there are some things I am just not ready to do (parties). UNLESS it has something to do with Melissa (or a Breast Cancer function!). Somehow I can escape my comfort zone when I can talk about her. It's so easy. Just the thought of travelling around the country and not only sharing HER story, but hearing others stories (EVERYONE has a story at these walks - every single person that walks has been affected by breast cancer - a loved one, a friend, a co-worker. I am not alone. Melissa was not alone. It doesn't make it easier, it just MOTIVATES me to do something to help bring and end to this devastating disease. I don't NEED this job.
I WANT this job. FORT would want it - SHE would be the PERFECT candidate actually.
So I'm doing it for her. In any event - TEAM B POSITIVE is ready to begin the journey for 2011 - LET THE FUNDRAISING BEGIN!
Please let me know if I can help in any way for any of the fundraisers!
Thanks Melissa! Just BE THERE!!! I know you will! Pam (Fort's mom)
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