The Mother/Son Dance...
Caleb (Jacob's son) with Blair White (Blair was a teammate of Danny's @ Michigan State, now an Indianapolis Colt!)
what a handsome family...Jacob, Jodi, Danny...last time I saw them all together - they were probably 6-7-8!
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Took a short trip to Put in Bay Memorial Weekend...specifically to see the band
Wally and the Beaves - GREAT oldies. They were followed by the MENUS (from Cincinnati)...the MOST entertaining band I've ever seen. The lead singer changes into several "costumes" during the performance (he's wearing a TARGET bag!) - an incredible singer! We had great seats and really got our moneys worth. They are at Fraze Pavillion every summer - will definitely go to see them this summer...
Started the evening at Put in Bay with a Strawberry (filled with Strawberry vodka)-not bad...
The BIRTHDAY BOYS...Donny & Dad BOTH celebrate their birthdays May 31. Celebrated with a cookout on Memorial Day - Donny 57, Dad 81...they both look pretty good, eh?
Max...getting ready to do a somersault. Funny Max story - I watched the boys the other night for a couple hours after school Decided to take them for a walk to the park - but couldn't cross Patterson Road - TOO busy. So I talked them into going home for a popcicle. When we got back to their house - I sat down on the couch and started telling Drew a story. I heard Max in the kitchen, next thing I know, he comes out and hands me an ICE CUBE. I said "WHERE did you get that?" He just smiles and goes back out to the kitchen. THEN he comes out with a POPCICLE! I decided I needed to investigate - sure enough, a chair was pushed up to the refrigerator and the freezer door was WIDE open. He got HIMSELF a popcicle. He is not even TWO yet...they are going to have SOME FUN with this one.... up AFTER playing in the pool...(isn't playing in the pool LIKE taking a bath????)
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My dad found this picture...Melissa @ 3 1/2 months...she was SO cute...

One of my co-workers found this picture with Melissa - Fort is top middle - her daughter is bottom right - it was at COSI in Columbus - a Girl Scout trip. I LOVE it when people share old photos of her....I remember this trip too!

Well...I did it...made it through ANOTHER year. My FIRST year at my "new" school.
Last year about this time I posted on the blog about the closing of my "old" school.
It wasn't pretty. I was DEVASTATED. Pretty much determined to finish out my career in one year - and retire with 28 years.
WELL. Yesterday was the students last day, today was last day for teachers.
Our Principal had breakfast for the staff in the library - honored Linda, our ONE retiring teacher - and then announced the KOTA award (Kettering Outstanding Teacher Award, given at each elementary, voted on by the staff in each school) the principal was describing the person to whom it would be awarded, I was SURE it was going to Linda, our Title One Reading Teacher. She definitely deserved it...and then the principal turned and looked at me....I was SHOCKED. I was HONORED and humbled ... I was not a very sociable person this year - but I LOVE the kids, and LOVE what I do...and am actually looking forward to next year. There were so many people on this staff that really made me feel welcome, even though I pretty much stayed to myself - and the kids were incredible. THANK YOU GREENMONT for accepting me and making my first year a good one - with BUTTERFLIES to boot!
I called Donny, emailed Nick & Angie and wanted SO MUCH to call Melissa (AND my mom)...they would be so's a day of mixed emotions for me...happy and sad at the same time. I wish she were here to celebrate with me....LOVE YOU and MISS YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY Pretty girl...
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