Had a busy start to the summer. A week in Vegas, home for a couple of days. Then off to Kiawah Island. Then home, busy with lunches - Dad & Donny. Nick today. And off to see Thomas Windlow (the medium I went to last summer and the summer before) next week.
But for some reason (hmmm?), have been sad. June is hard. Melissa was diagnosed on our anniversary. That could be it. Another holiday. That could be it. She should be HERE. I miss her EVERY day. Hard to get motivated when I'm home. To do ANYTHING.
I cry a lot. At anything.
Then the other day I decided to get my camera out and download pictures to the computer. Over 250 pictures. I've been doing SOMETHING.
Taking pictures has always been something I loved to do. And Melissa inherited that love. She probably took more pictures in her short life than I have in my almost 55 years. I am so glad about that.
So anyway, I was looking at all those pictures and thinking that as much as I miss her...I AM keeping busy. I AM doing something. One day at a time. So what if I cry for a day. Or a week. I have pictures to PROVE that I'm doing something.
And I love to share them. Like Melissa. Not that anyone is really interested (we always joked about sharing our OVER 1000 pictures from our trip out west...couldn't understand why we didn't have company for months after we returned!) But anyway,in cleaning out closets AND going over to my dad's (who looks at more pictures than you can imagine) - I found more pictures of Melissa too. I NEED to do this. Keeps her close to me. Even brings a smile along with some tears. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have....
Had a celebration for my nephew's birthday on the 4th of July.
Just a few of us, played a new game - FARKLE - and lots of food (all provided by my sister, Matt's mom). Then fireworks in the front yard (provided by the City of Kettering).
Whoa...that's A LOT of candles Matt! Happy 32nd birthday! He NEEDED Drew & Max to help blow out all those candles!
Drew - not happy about something...
Drew caught a lightening bug...Max is amazed!
Discovering the backyard...
Drew. He SAYS he wants to be a fireman. But I'm guessing maybe...PLUMBER????
Drew, Pamma and Max enjoying a swing on the hammock...
One of my favorite summer pictures of Melissa & Nick. I think I used this one for a Christmas card one year. Relaxing in a hammock. Drew & Max love it too!

I've been busy since schools been out...first Las Vegas, then Kiawah Island. Close to Charleston, S.C. LOTS to do. And we did.
This photo DOES NOT do this tree justice. It is unbelievable. 1500 years old. The branches probably spread out around the tree about 100 ft or more. Some of the limbs have grown into the ground. If you get to Charleston, DEFINITELY go see this. It's called the Angel Oak. Amazing. (and OH...it's FREE.)
Got up at 6 a.m. on the last morning to get the sunrise pictures. It was beautiful. HOWEVER...if you read the last post, I had a sunrise picture of Donny, Melissa & Nick...I KNOW they weren't happy getting up that early, and once you see a sunrise, it will last forever...if you take a picture. So I did. No more sunrise pictures for me for awhile...
we rented bikes and rode on the beach a lot. Linda went by herself one morning and saw an alligator going INTO the ocean! Guess it happens occasionally. We didn't go swimming that day...
Josh, me and Jackie. We had lunch at a great seafood restaurant - Hymans. You know how much I believe in signs? I get LOTS of them from Melissa. We got one from Jackie here...
At each table, there are small markers at each seat. Mine said "Hooty and Blowfish ate at this table." Josh & Rodney got there first, and they were going to be seated at a different table. Josh asked if we could have the table by the window. He took the seat by the window. He picked up his menu, the marker at his seat was "Neil Young sat here" (Neil Young was one of Jackie's FAVORITE musicians...in fact, it was his music on her video at her memorial!)
On a Harbor Cruise in Charleston (I'm holding Jackie...she went with us. We left a little bit of her swimming with the dolphins...)
Every morning I got up, had coffee on the deck. Gator watching....FINALLY on the last day...
we had a visitor. A BIG visitor...
Bigger gator is on the right, approaching the smaller gator - got some great video of them rolling around...fighting? mating? Not sure, but we did hear on one of our tours that it's gator mating season...hmmmmm.....
Right after the "encounter", the smaller gator went under and resurfaced about 25 yards away - the bigger gator turned around, and the chase was on! Josh looked up and saw two smaller gators running across the fairway - when I looked up, the bigger one was out of the water RUNNING across the fairway!...five minutes later we were on our bikes to find them!
Gator tracks across the fairway...from one lagoon to another.
on our way back from chasing alligators, we encounted THIS guy crossing the road...Deb came within a foot or so from him and didn't even see him!
CONGRATULATIONS Pauly & Elizabeth - baby Luke arrived June 29! We are SO happy for all of you! (Pauly & Elizabeth organize the annual Breast Cancer Fundraiser for the Kelts - and were very good friends of Melissa's)
It's becoming a habit posting photos of Melissa that I come across - this time at my dad's and while I was cleaning her room/closet and my room/closet....
Fort's BIGGEST fans...her family! (rugby game at Eastwood in Dayton - that's when she got the biggest turnout!)

Leanne, Melissa, Lara & Pam (must have been the year for flowered dresses)...

Fort with her cousin Tammy at our family reunion (at Disney Village)...always celebrating...

Fort with her Grandpa..they loved to party together...

Ready for a mother/daughter outing...I think we were head to see the Rubi Girls...

Melissa and Andy (I think this was when she was at OU and Andy was at Miami?)

So. Life goes one. Whether I want it to or not some days.
One day at a time...
Enjoy your summer.
1 comment:
What a busy summer! Mine is a little hectic but not as full as yours :) I have been thinking about making a return trip to see Thomas Windlow too. Send me an e-mail and let me know how your visit goes.
p.s. LOVE all of the pictures you post
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