MY DAUGHTER. I am HONORED. The really AWESOME part of this? The Opening ceremonies are at Stone Mountain. That was one of Melissa's favorite vacations growing up. We stopped there on the way home from spring break one year. Donny's cousin John and his wife took us there. She LOVED climbing that mountain. Can you tell?

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TEAM B POSITIVE holds ANOTHER successful fundraiser!
Raised close to $1800 at this event...we are ALMOST there!
COMING SOON.............the EIGHTH ANNUAL "TRYING FOR A CURE"...Cincinnati Kelts Men's Rugby Club has been sponsoring this event in Fort's honor since the year she was diagnosed, 2003. October 8 @ HAPS in Cincinnati. If you are interested in purchasing raffle tickets ($5/ea or 3/$10 - give me call or send me an email. First prize $300. Second prize $200 Third prizes (3) $100
Fairmont is holding the VOLLEY for the CURE this Tuesday, September 27. We were invited to set up a table. We will have BREAST CANCER information (thanks to Sharon Kershner), and accepting donations for our 3 Day Walk AND Kelts raffle tickets.

Fort's JV Volleyball team honored her at Finneytowns FIRST Volley for the Cure in 2007.
In honor of my friend Jackie, who passed away last March, I had a tree planted behind Melissa's bench at Fairmont (since Moraine Meadows closed, I thought Fairmont would be a good place since Jackie's students will be passing through Fairmont for the next 10 years!) The placque for under the tree will be ready in 6 to 8 is beautiful. Will post a picture when it's in! Love you Jackie!
Max & Drew in their Fairmont digs (Drew has his "FIREBIRDS for Fort" shirt on! I love it!
Two Drew's (Drew of my former student from Moraine Meadows...he was THE cutest little boy...when Nick and Mere decided on Andrew for a name - I KNEW I would call him Drew!)
I can't think of a better way of ending this post than to share some "old" photos of Fort...she would love it, I'm sure!
WHEW! Exhausted after eating that apple!!!

BIG shoes to fill...(what is it about babies and their dad's (or grandma's) shoes? Just today Max was wearing MY shoes - trying to walk around with them on!)

BUSTED! (she snuck into the cabinet to get some cookies....I ALWAYS had a camera ready!)

Sorry for the long post...Donny tells me I should post more often (I used to tell Melssa the SAME thing)...but just like FORT, I have to be motivated AND have the energy. That happened to be today.
GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM (or schedule it anyway!)
Enjoy the fall!
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