Nine years ago today our first grandson was born. John Patrick. Two months early, and not ready for this world. So while we should be celebrating (which we had a small rememberance last night), we will be visiting him instead at the cemetery...and as Melissa said a couple of years ago... "I never thought I'd be visiting my son (grandson) at the cemetery for his birthday."
It's just not right.
And while I normally love telling the story of each of my children and grandchildren's birthday, this one doesn't have such a happy ending. But I will tell it nonetheless...
Nine years ago yesterday, Melissa was in a wedding of one of her good friends from high school. She was seven months pregnant at the time. After the reception, we got home around midnight...shortly after got the call that you NEVER want to get. John was calling saying they were on their way to the hospital. The baby was coming.
When we got there, Melissa was holding him...saddest day of my life...and hers I KNOW. He was BEAUTIFUL...head full of dark hair, long eyelashes, all his fingers, all his toes...PERFECT.
We were all able to spend as much time as we needed to hold him and love him that day. We just wanted so much more....
They say when you lose your parents, you lose your past. When you lose your child, you lose your is so true.
John Patrick would be nine today. Probably in third grade. (More likely, probably in 4th grade...he would be SO smart, just like his mom and dad). And funny. He would have a good sense of humor and would be athletic too. And he would have SO many friends. And we would be having his birthday party this weekend....
We SHOULD be having his party this weekend....but instead he will celebrate with his mom. As much as I want him HERE, at least he has his mom and she has him.....
(sent him a balloon with a message, a hug, and lots of kisses today....and his birthday gift went to Make a Wish Foundation)
We all love and miss you so much JP!
This is a photo of me and one of my fifth graders on the last day of school. My last day and his last day. It was after the Fifth grade Farewell. Andy Li. Tuesday of this week, he was riding his bike home from his mom's restaurant (where I believe he was helping out)...he was hit by an SUV and killed.
On my first day at Greenmont, I met lots of students, but Andy was one of those UNFORGETTABLE students. He didn't just say hi...he came up and gave me a BIG HUG. A fourth grader! Most students get to know you before hugging you (even first graders!). Not Andy. He was SO happy all the time. GREAT kid. 12 years old.
Just found out his funeral is Monday. October 22. Same day we had JP's funeral...and SAME Funeral Home. Nine years later.
Sad week for me....
RIP Andy. You will be missed, but NEVER forgotten!
My wonderful son Nick, Meredith and Andrew and Max. They make life worth living....
My new design (not very original) but I think I like it a little better than the car magnet...ordered 60.
Will sell them for $1 at the fundraiser tomorrow...if your interested let me know. I'll send you one.
(the ones I had made also include her blog address).
Can't believe this is the NINTH fundraiser...Melissa attended the first five. It's a great time for a GREAT cause. Half the proceeds go to the Komen Foundation, the other half goes to Melissa's Scholarship. (In the last four years, almost $10,000 has gone to her Scholarship fund!) This year, the Miami University Women's Rugby Club will be holding a TRY for the CURE at their match tomorrow, October 20. The proceeds of their fundraiser will go to the Kelts Fundraiser tomorrow.
We are so thankful for their continued support...and LOVE.
Thanks Kelts - we love you!
And on that note, want to give a shout out to our friends Scot, Sandy, Ashley and Clarke Franz for remembering Fort at the Springboro Football game PINK OUT....they sent a balloon to Melissa and signed her name to a pink Firetruck at the game...THANKS guys!
Also to Ted Kuntz, the son of friends of ours from Carroll High School. Ted plays football for Dennison University and they are having a Breast Cancer Awareness game tomorrow. Ted and some of his teammates will be wearing FORT bracelets - he will be wearing her name also to honor her.
And tomorrow, hopefully the weather will hold out for the Making Strides for Breast Cancer Walk in downtown Dayton. It's a 5k, and I've done it every year since Melissa was diagnosed (we walked it together a couple of times - the most memorable was the week after we did the 3 Day, 60 mile walk in Atlanta. 3 miles was just NOT enough for either of us - we came home and walked another 4 - just felt like th 5K was a warm up...OH how i miss those walks with her...)
Don't forget - get your mammograms if you haven't already done it!
Love you and miss you EVERY single day Melissa and JP!