Sunday, July 5, 2015


Synchronicity.  Meaningful coincidence.

Donny and I are currently reading the book Sychronicity and the Other Side-Your Meaningful Connections with the Afterlife.   If you know us very well, you know that we truly believe that Melissa is still around.  We get signs all the time.  NOT just coincidences, but MEANINGFUL coincidences.  She is a part of those coincidences.

Perfect example today.  We checked into the Hyatt in San Antonio.  Our room #?  1138.  The number 38 has special meaning to me…I believe Melissa makes sure I see that number every day.  To remind me that Nick is still here.  Don't neglect him mom.  (I know grief as a sibling too.  When my brother Steve died in 1975, I was just 18.  My mom and dad kind of went into hiding…what I NOW know is they were grieving.  Me, Donna and Sue were on our own for a while.)  

Anyway, the number 38 is important to me.  So when the girl behind the desk handed us our room keys, Donny just looked and me and said "Look.  38."

So I told the girl behind the desk that that number was important to me.  And I told her a little about Melissa.  She looked at me and said "I lost my son too.  He was 3."  And she started crying.  Hasn't even been a year yet.

Melissa does this all the time…she connects with other bereaved parents.  When we were in California back in the fall, it happened there too.  While we were standing in line for the Ellen Show.  Talking to the woman who was standing next to us in line.  She was wearing a teal colored bracelet.  I asked her if it was for someone with ovarian cancer (since we wear one for Courtney Clifford).  Nope.  it was for HER son who died.  We had a pretty lengthy conversation with her that day.

We believe that Melissa (and their children) put us together for a reason.  We understand each other.

We are here for a couple of days and are heading to Dallas for the Compassionate Friends Conference later in the week.  Looking forward to sharing this story and making more new friends.  

More later … and photos too.

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